From my LinkedIn feed.

After my most recent job search I have to send kudos to the one automatic response to an application which included the salary range. The whole salary topic needs an overhaul, and I totally agree with Robynn Storey post below. What is my desired salary does not dictate this conversation, what do you value the employee in this role? Give potential candidates that information along with the responsibilities and expectations, and let them determine who applies. The salary offered should not be unique to each candidate based on what they request.

I have received 4 emails already today asking me about salary ranges for jobs.

All the same thing…company wants the candidate to either provide a pay stub, give a $$$ number or submit a salary history so an offer can be made.

Enough already.

It’s not the candidates job to do your f*cking job.

You are the employer.

Set a fair salary.

Disclose the range up front.

YOU do the research on what is viable in that geographic area.

YOU do the research as to what you would be willing to pay someone to do that job.

Job searching and interviewing is hard enough for candidates and now you want them to do YOUR job too?

Come on.

Adding on to this here on my site, putting the salary expectation on the applicant has been shown to limit the earning potential of minorities. Its such an easy fix – have a range for the position and have confidence to share that range with your applicants.

By Admin

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